Hey System Admin. & Security types...

I’m looking for some suggestions for a paper I need to write. I’m taking a course this 1/4 simply called “computer security” so the spectrum is pretty wide. We’ve covered crypto (w/ analysis of many ciphers), authentication/verification, network protection (from internal and external attacks), trusted computing bases and ‘secure’ OSs, viruses/worms, etc. And our final project is a paper on anything relevant to the course.

The bittorent thread got me thinking about maybe analyzing the vulnerabilities there, and maybe how to protect yourself while still using P2P apps like that.

But I’m open to other ideas, and any links/resources would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


online banking, secure sites and 128 bit encryption would be my topic of choice. Or you could just be like everyone else and do P2P app sec issues… :rolleyes:

Actually nobody I’ve talked to is planning the P2P thing.

I like the online banking idea though, thanks. It covers many of the topics, hell pretty much all of 'em, that we covered in the class. Clearly you need a secure conection, authentication is an issue, data sent/recieved is going to need encryption/decryption, and the bank servers themselves are the aim of constant attacks.


good luck with it though

what i would do is do something on sercuirty for the personal user dealing with teh interweb…i know how terrible things could turn with just one asshole user spreading a worm on a network of pc’s.

basically i would structure my paper on the ongoing changes of tech/security… i mean fuck, i was online back in the day (1993) this was when you could log onto ebay and start selling, no charges to sell, no credit cards, no paypal… ect ect. and explain the exploits that have surfaced over the years.

i would expect that things over the course of the future are going to change security wise… one prediction is that email will soon need to revert to text formatting, and anything html based will be encrypted with PKI (protected key information) or something similar… i just setup a PKI server and i know they are getting deeper into digital signing and encryption.

also, i would expect things to change with the way we buy products online… example open source checkouts SSL and such that can be maliciously manipulated… i would expect overtime (longer than email encryption is common) that VPN’s will be created on instant basis for product purchases and info exchange.

also, I just attended a conf. at Duq U for cyber crimes and security… how there are products out that will actually help erase tracks for hackers and such… the conf was headed by the head comp forensic expert with the FBI and other FBI comp guys… they were saying that these days there are actually windows based programs that can help ‘erase tracks’

i would just say that with the booming tech industry, everything is developing fast, but security is behind…

you know, stupid shit like that…

wireless covers a lot of those as well.