computer related topic

For my one class we need to write a paper on anything computer related. I’m having trouble in deciding what to write about. I would like to do a debate type of paper because its much easier to write.
any suggestions on a good topic?

Debate? how about AMD vs Intel. Intel uses higher clocked core’s, but are still slower than AMDs chipsets in the same price range. Benchmarks prove it. How about a non-debate, and write about the computer revolution.
Maybe about how the computer has enhanced the medical, automotive, and essentally every other market\service In the world today.

When I was at ITT I wrote a report on the success of the Ipod and the MP3 crazy. I got a pretty good grade on that too =P

do a writeup on RAID and all its configurations

do a debat paper on

data forensics and privacy



How porn and gaming help spur dramatic increases in computing growth. Thats my theory and I am sticking to it :smiley:

porn drives storage capacity
gaming leads to wicked graphics hardware

… and aol / aim drive the worlds need for increased ram capacity …

is this for cse115? i have the same essay 4-6 pgs…im doing internet security. defining viruses and such how they work how to protect against them, etc…

How porn formed the internet, and Al Gore created porn. :tup:

Or if you want something that won’t fail you, technology 10 years ago versus now. On a component by component basis.


Do a paper on internet phrases like “LOL” “FTW” “ROFL” .

yea its that paper… i’m thinking about doing something about hacking

^^^^ Good idea right there.

I’m a lab consultant for that class - if you want to run it by me, I can tell you if it’s good or not. I don’t do the grading on the papers, but Mike and Clark will let me grade a few of them…

I do offer tutoring for that class as well. My contact info is on the dry erase board. Don’t wait until stuff is due to call though - my availability gets limited quickly.

^^ did u help me with my final project last semester??? my names tom

EDIT: im retaking it cause i did shitty

That was probably me. If you need help this semester, let me know - I’ll give you a “repeat customer deal”