Research Project help

I am doing a paper for school and I hate when teachers give you no guidelines what to do the paper on. I am a criminal justice major so I am trying to do something along those lines.
Does anyone have any ideas?
[LEFT]This is not just a paper where you pick a topic and research it, I need to pick a idea like “what is the usual age for gang members.”

There is so many topics that I can choose but I need find good research to support my theory.[/LEFT]

What causes crime?

hmm i kinda like that idea because it leaves me open to all areas… i really hate when teachers just let you do what you want because if i start this and shes like “it sucks, or to vague” im screwed

Im thinking maybe if I expand on that because it will probably be to broad of a topic, maybe what causes crime in urban areas?

Analyze the issues most likely to have a lasting effect on the democratic party after they finally pick a candidate. Like which issues set the two of them the farthest apart despite being in the same party.

Well if you are doing research, then you can look into a recent issue of video games and school shootings.

Your thesis can be “The effect of violent video games on young teens” or to be specific, “Violent video games and the rise of teen violence.”

Just the opposite, I feel that parents should buy the kid the ps3 instead of pissing him off and making him want to shoot his classmates.
Instead he can be like , well i dont have any friends but I’ve got a ps3 and online gamer friends who are l33t

I dont feel that way but its just a popular topic. I have been playing violent games since I was 8. GTA and Counter Strike. Also listened all kinds of music. I turned out fine.

Parents and people just want to blame something. They never will blame themselves so why not blame video games.

You are complaining about being given free reign about a papers’ topic? :rolljerk:

Stuff like this is why I switched to a hard major :slight_smile:

Why not something like “The racial make up of urban and non-urban gangs”

Im sure something like this has been covered a million times before. You could analyze the the ethnic and income levels of the urban areas that have the highest amount of gangs and try to find a correlation.

Gun controls always a fun one, especially if you are pro-gun

guns are fucking stupid.

“Ethnicity and its correlation to violent crimes”

:slight_smile: make ya sound like a monster racist

Yea that is a fun topic.

Gun control just takes guns out of the hands of innocent Americans. Not the criminals.

hmm seems like i did all those topics in one… i ended up going with
why are most school shootings done by boys?

because girls get pregnant.