So apparently Jack Thompson and Dr. Phil v. VT shootings

… are blaming the shootings on video games


For anyone that doesnt know who Jack T is. hes a piece of shit lawyer in FL who is on this holy cruisade to blame all the voilence in the world on video games. Video game industry gives him attention for his antics and makes things worse pretty much. The guy has no credability but he wasted NO time rushing to call the news stations to say it was video games. Yet the room mates never really mentioned anything about him playing ANY.

Yes, Video games drove an already unstable motherfucker into shooting people Counter Strike stile :ugh2:

i was watching something about this today. i cant remember it to the T, but they said that Violent books and readings affected ppl more in a study than violent video games did

video games did not do this

Yes, Video games drove an already unstable motherfucker into shooting people Counter Strike stile

That was not a Counter Strike style shooting…

A Counter Strike style shooting would have been if he threw three flash grenades at them, a smoke grenade, then hid behind a box until they ran past, then jumped out and shot 27 times, missing 25 times, but scoring a random headshot. Afterwords, the victims would have complained about how their deaths were “newb luck” or “bs” on deadchat, or about how he was using “hax”.

how long do you think its goin to be until someone shoots up another school, and the cops search the kids dorm and find a big sign that says “VIDEO GAMES MADE ME DO IT… roflcopter” …

with all the publicity they are giving this crap with relation to video games, some psycho seeking fame would know he could set it off the deep end if he did that.

edit: dr phil FTMFL


i play warcraft online and all i heard about are people complaining i was using “hax” and they seriously FIGHT with you able it :rofl:

oh and dr phil and scrap the sweat off my taint with his teeth. hate that guy

^ LOL MSNBC blast’s Jack

So its okay to stick with Halo…obviously aliens aren’t trying to destroy earth…yet.

rofl. thompson says video games “trained” this asian to kill 32 people, if he hadnt played video games then he would only be able to kill about 3

:bowrofl: this guy is truely a fucking retard!

if you give a 10 year old a gun and put him in a crowd of people even he’ll be able to kill more than 3 people…

Wasn’t the videogames. Wasn’t the movies. Wasn’t the TV shows. Wasn’t the books. Wasn’t the guns or even the bullets.

It was the fuckup who finally snapped!

Without guns, he might have still done this. I know I’ve got knives and swords. Heck, you can pick up a machete @ WallyWorld if you’ve got 20 minutes and a $10 bill. Would it have been as easy for him to do this without guns? No. But, you never have to reload a knife, and it doesn’t go BANG and let anyone else know about it.

“The running man can slit 1000 throats in a night.” -Chinese proverb

yes ppl kill ppl

i cant believe they try to blame this kinda shit on other sources when they dont look at the cause itself…the fucked up mind of the kid who snapped. something was wrong with him, and NO ONE was there to help him out… where were the parents at? Advisors? Teachers? friends? ANYONE?

its common sense its not the guns and violence in the world…its the reasoning of the human mind… its the same madness that affected Hitler and his followers to kill millions. Same with mass suicides following their leaders. Ppl are stupid as a whole and follow the masses. you get them to believe something they will do it and think nothing much of it. This kid thought it was ok to carry out what he did…thats the problem. We need to access the problem that is the person itself, not games or other outside negligable influeces

Fuck Jack Thompson and Phil (I refuse to put the title Dr. in front of his name.)

I don’t think Cho at any point in time said “Carl Johnson made me do it.” Or “Tommy Vercetti made me do it.” His fucked up brain told him to do it. They are trying to blame it on something else and try to offset the fact that Cho was a nutjob.

It was gomer pyle from full metal jacket that influenced him.

I read that his roommates tried talking to him but to no avail. If he didn’t talk to his own roommates I doubt he had any friends. He could have had no contact with his parents so they might not have known what was going on. His teachers on the other hand should’ve done something more than saying hey you need help because of his plays that he wrote. But yet the blame can’t really completely fall on them.