Twomodified4u's Turbo S2000 Build




I wont even ask for the I told you so. :rofl I am glad to see you and the people building the car understood the retarded risks you were taking running that car into the nines (congrats by the way) with the only safety device being a helmet. Speaking of which, how many passes did they let you make that rental day?

Not only the cage, but what about all the other SFI spec equipment that must be on the car to hit the goals? DS safty loop. Scattershield. Parachute. Fire Suppression. ETC.

BY NO MEANS DO I WANT TO START ANOTHER SHIT STORM LIKE THE OTHER THREAD STARTED. Like I attempted to in the other one, I am going to give factual information and keep it on topic, as a car built to this caliber could be a good learning experience here for those who actually care.