
Hello all, I’m Sean (SAK to pretty much everyone) from Hamburg, finally drifted over from DITB! I’m currently driving an '83 Accord with 51K miles on the clock. I also have a '69 Beetle and a '78 Pontiac Grand Am (Thats right, '78!), that I’ve been driving for over 3 years. I’ve had numerous other cars, such as a '91 Jetta GLI, a '70 VW Westy camper, several vintage Mercedes, a yellow '81 Rabbit pickup, and many more.

:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

hey welcome!


Veee DAAAAAAAABBBBBBB in tha Haüs (haus if your browser cant make out the umlat)
Aircooled FTW.,… HOpe to see you sometime this year so we can stare at eachother’s motors and ask where the radiator is.


welcome :wave:

What up Sak, :wave:

whats up Sak.

hey you…


w00t, 83 accord with 51K miles? lol!


hey sak, good to see you found your way over.:wave:


sup man


thanks for helping me get the audi home yesterday.

welcome. this is a fast moving place.

Man you change cars like I change shorts. Beware the man with one car, he knows how to use it! Hold on, the road has been rough around here lately. ; \