New to the game!

hey guys whats up im mike, but ppl call me oaks. i drive a 96 honda accord i like to cruise and go to meets i hang around southgate ive been to mighty a few times its a fun time.

yo mike glad to see u on here

:tup: to a good guy!

nice nice, welcome :slight_smile:

seen ur car around, i love it :tup:


good times.

worlds slowest accord!

jk slow

jk welcome!

finally you join ,along with jay-smo .Took you guys long enough lol

good to see your postin now

jay my car runs tho - urs dont…ha

:wave: welcome to the both of you

welcome :wave:

Whats up man, nothing llike a good southgate meet in the freezing cold…well 41 degrees weather.

What it do? Welcome. FYI Don’t listen to a word Originalsin says.