Hi, plz read me, k thanks. PS. Free hoodie.

As my first post in this thread, I will announce that willybeen gives fantastic back rubs.

Ok I’m just gunna get my 5 out of the way.

Here’s my third post. I had to wait 15 seconds between posts.

This is post number 4.

My last post, kthxbye.


Yo quiero Taco Bell
When do i get my free hOOdie? k thanX


I am hungry.

Are you hungry?

That pudgy fat kid looks hilarious.


[QUOTE=brent_strong;731897]Leopard? 10.5 ftw! Been running it since October. Wooo!


I would have to agree with you there.[/QUOTE]

I would also agree, which completes the Leopard lovefest trifecta.

[quote=“Matt Danger,post:92,topic:38425"”]

[QUOTE=ZOMGVTEK;732194][QUOTE=brent_strong;731897]Leopard? 10.5 ftw! Been running it since October. Wooo!


I would have to agree with you there.[/QUOTE]I would also agree, which completes the Leopard lovefest trifecta.[/QUOTE]

The new Dock is incredibly sexy.

[quote=“Matt Danger,post:93,topic:38425"”]

[QUOTE=Matt Danger;732247][QUOTE=ZOMGVTEK;732194][QUOTE=brent_strong;731897]Leopard? 10.5 ftw! Been running it since October. Wooo!


I would have to agree with you there.[/QUOTE]I would also agree, which completes the Leopard lovefest trifecta.[/QUOTE]The new Dock is incredibly sexy.[/QUOTE]

Parallels even seems to be happy.

[quote=“Matt Danger,post:94,topic:38425"”]

[QUOTE=Matt Danger;732249][QUOTE=Matt Danger;732247][QUOTE=ZOMGVTEK;732194][QUOTE=brent_strong;731897]Leopard? 10.5 ftw! Been running it since October. Wooo!


I would have to agree with you there.[/QUOTE]I would also agree, which completes the Leopard lovefest trifecta.[/QUOTE]The new Dock is incredibly sexy.[/QUOTE]Parallels even seems to be happy.[/QUOTE]

I, however, have not utilized Spaces very often.

[quote=“Matt Danger,post:95,topic:38425"”]

[QUOTE=Matt Danger;732250][QUOTE=Matt Danger;732249][QUOTE=Matt Danger;732247][QUOTE=ZOMGVTEK;732194][QUOTE=brent_strong;731897]Leopard? 10.5 ftw! Been running it since October. Wooo!


I would have to agree with you there.[/QUOTE]I would also agree, which completes the Leopard lovefest trifecta.[/QUOTE]The new Dock is incredibly sexy.[/QUOTE]Parallels even seems to be happy.[/QUOTE]I, however, have not utilized Spaces very often.[/QUOTE]

I’m pretty sure this is how the pyramids were built.

Does this qualify as a complete sentence? I think that it does.

i think it does too.

buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo.


^ you lose, it has to be full sentences, and now you’ve posted 5 times. So if you post once more you are disqualified, sucka!

oh yea… im gay and i like little boys naked


Paulo is about to own himself in 5 minutes!