Hi :)

finally bored of Vegas, Des?



way to tease us with 1 post

Hahahahahaha what’s going on fellas :slight_smile:

Nice to see you’re all still alive.



I loved the man eating bumper the most…


ive still got that vid :tspry:

Me too Sean…

I still watch it from time to time for the reminder of the good times we had…


ive still got that vid :tspry:


Haha me too and Dennis trying to kill the whitey.

aahhh hey desmond.

come back to buffalo for some chicken chops… :smiley:

yea that crazy son of a…wait…


whatup newb :stuck_out_tongue:

hello des! :wave:

hey there litte man :wink:

holy shit it desmond

hey its dennis…i mean desmond.


holy shit it desmond


holy shit its rich :eek:


hey its dennis…i mean desmond.



What the hell are you doing up at this hour? Better yet, when you coming into town?


What the hell are you doing up at this hour? Better yet, when you coming into town?


Real soon :slight_smile:

I’ll let you know.