Hide yo kids; Hide yo wife; Arm yourselves; It has begun...

Wouldn’t have answered my door period if I knew there were that many people at my door. You know for a fact they werent politely knocking on his door asking to talk. I woulda called the cops and been done with it. IMO he asked for an open invite to get his ass kicked when he opened the door.

Absolutely, I would have called the cops immediately.

No suspects yet? in the video… how the fuck is that? EVERYONE on that block must know who frequents that place. Go to their houses, look on their knuckles for abrasions, and arrest them on the spot.

Smart person should call the police yes. But the even smarter person is ready for confrontation IN THEIR OWN HOUSE. It really isnt that hard to kick a door in, or break into the house if they were pissed enough to almost kill the guy. And you know damn well the it takes atleast 2-3 minutes to get a call in to the police, and odds are if they aren’t in the area, and just get a simple “disturbance” call, they would take their time getting there too… your fucked in that situation of you are relying on anyone other than your self.

The moment anyone aggravated steps on my property, my hands aren’t in my pocket and I am not preparing tea and crumpets for them… I am grabbing a weapon AS I CALL THE POLICE.

This needs the same publicity as this Trayvon Martin case.

This is obviously a hate crime. And the people should be charged as so.

Tell you what, I would have been able to take 10 of them out, I’d hope they would have scattered by that point because I’d be picking up some large metal objects.

Maybe I read the article wrong but I don’t think he ever made it into his house. I thought they jumped him on his porch while he was trying to unlock his door.

This is clearly a hate crime and this whole incident could’ve been avoided if the kids parents were acting like parents and not thugs. It’s a common sense ritual that we’ve all done while playing basketball, hockey or whatever in the street, you see a car you move, car goes by you resume play. Pretty damn simple.

White guys can do it right.



^it’s too late for that I’m afraid, the days of moving out of the ROAD for CARS is over. Now I have to play fucking tennis in the middle of my street and beat the ever loving shit out of the first black guy that wants me to move. As my fists reign down upon him I’ll explain that’s it’s OK I’m doing this for Matt Owens. Yes it has come to that.

  • rep if I could.

So damn true. But what sucks is I know you are kidding and there are scumbags out there that full well think that way.

Idk man this whole racism shit seems to be gaining momentum. It’s always been happening but the fact that it’s hitting the media more and more frequently is only fueling the fire

Damn straight. My comment was in good fun but it’s amazing how fast a situation can escalate from harmless to life threatening.

Owens and the first man arrested had a fueding history so this was an excuse for he and the whole neighborhood to get revenge.

hasnt there been a few things that have happen in responce for that trevyon kid? this isnt the first time they use that excuse

Slavery did not end in america w the 13th amendment and still exists in various forums throughout the country.

Yeah it’s an excuse for lawlessness. They did the same thing during Katrina when you saw people floating plasma tv’s down a flooded street or after the Rodney King verdict. People are advantagious and they will use any excuse they can to justify what they know to be wrong or illegal activities.

^this… White kids have a lot more respect usually. Racism is in our DNA. Accept it or keep living in denial. Even if a white female is in a relationship with a black male guarantee if they get in an argument, she will call him a “ni99er” at some point.


My good friend I knew since I was in diapers is black, and the coolest dude ever. hes dating a whit girl and they do that stuff all the time! The thing is he is the farthest thing from a sterotypical n. Dude has always been a solid good friend, and honestly one of the most respectful guys I know. So when I accidentally drop a “this brake sensor is n-rigged” when I was working on his car he laughs and calls me a dumb ass cracker and we LOL.

You know what, I dont feel bad for the victim so much (without knowing all the details) but when you put yourself in a situation like that, apparently this isnt the first confrontation with the assailants, you are kind of asking for it. I am a firm believer that if you keep to yourself and act respectful, there is a slimmer chance of disrespectful people fucking up your day. Dude should have figured out a smarter way to put a stop to the shit befor it even started. Most dumbass criminal scumbbags are just that, dumb… its rather easy to gain the upperhand on many situations if you just use your damn head.

Jesus man you’d think with all the time it takes to type one of these novels you’d have plenty of time to think through a response to prevent DUMB ones like this. Time must be all spent on figuring out exactly which keys to hit next or exactly how many sentences are in a novel.

Sorry, negged.

Neggers ITT.

what am i missing here?

All I said is generally speaking… if there is a mob of “questionable” people running up to them and getting confrontational probably will get your ass kicked.

Dont do that and chances are they wont start shit.

whats so hard to understand about what i said???

and the “dont feel bad so much” (not knowing all the details) means… I would feel really bad if the dude was just sitting there on the porch and all of a sudden got pummled. But since word is out this isnt the first confrontation… leads me to believe SOMETHING spurred this incident… AKA not feeling THAT bad since he brought it upon himself, just a smidgen I presume. (not minding his own biz and just ignoring them, and calling the cops PRIOR to the confrontation)