Highlights of 2008

Congratz on beating cancer man, I’ve known two ppl with it, one made it one didnt :(…

Good stuff man, at 250lbs I was able to fit comfortably in a evo 2 plus hahaha…

Goal for 2009

-Get to 180lbs (hopefully?)
-Enjoy my new job (hopefully all goes well God willing, gain more experience, opportunity for growth/higher position/even more money/etc… God willing)
-Pay off tons of debt x1000 #1 priority car and everything and everyone else related to it can go screw themselves unfortunately as this is #1 priority.
-Fix issues with my project car (240) that I still need to address before hitting the track
-Track time, track time, track time :smiley:
-HIGHLY unlikely I’ll do anything else to do car as I have family/other stuff to deal with including some debt… just want it fixed up and reliable for track (wishful thinking includes LS1 and chassis/body work but my not doable + wife will murder me :D)
-I’m sure there’s other stuff :slight_smile: