hiring: best part time job Evar! lot guy / detailer

ok thanks for bashing the thread guys :tup:

Everyone does realize that there’s most likely alot of people still in high school on there that this would be perfect for right?

It had nothing to do with how much you make, or why you think the wage was so little.

fuck that noise woody, i actually thought about this, but doing this shit in the winter sucks. And i did it for ray laks for i 8.75 and it was still hell

what hours do u work at ups and what posistion? my mom works there lol

ive worked at this place for 2 years. its not that demanding

i am prolly going tonite to apply

Anyone who says that this work is easy is lying…Brand new cars are cake since all you do is strip off the plastic in the interior and shine the tires, but used cars just suck…

I was beat the next day since it was a demanding job…I would know since I worked at Northtown TWS and quit after 6 mths, due to the wage ($8) and the overwhelming demand…

It was nice tho to work 3 days and have 3 off, but when you did work it was from 8am to 9pm :hang:

holy shit guys. im not the one hiring someone here. im not trying to talk up the job, christ. ive worked it for 2 years, i know what its like. stop being asshats

Yes stop being asshats. Either you are interested, or not. If you hate detailing, take it to offtopic.

No need 2 get pissed, you already got a lot of ppl interested in the job anyways so you’re all set with your replacement :shrug:

just make sure that the person that wants the job is not an asshat and dont quit after the first 2 weeks, that will make you look bad buddy

can u ask then if they would consider hiring a 16 yr old if they were a real good worker and detailer?

Hire Maxima98SE, he has experience in this dept.



I know i hate when i get people a job and they quit after two days…lol…asshat!!!

i’ve seen woody at work more times than i can count. it’s not a demanding job by any means. and i wouldn’t think it would be that bad in the winter. the detail bay stays very warm. every winter i was in there washing my car i was in a tshirt. it’s not the best pay, but it’s a sweet part time gig, particularly if you are in school and live at home.

woody, does this promotion mean i can’t come in and wash my car anymore? :frowning:

Andy, are you endorsing other people to talk up your job for you now?

piss off. i got 6.75 an hour to type that post for him.

$6.75 DEX that would at least DOUBLE what you make, why dont you apply?