
snails I sent an app to the same gang you are on BTW

so did i

we need to stop attackin each other, I fucked up everyone besides ming and snails lol they ruined me somehow hah.

I even donated $10


post your name on here when you sign up

i’ll roll snky for awhile :wink:

how do you get tiredness to come back?

donate/buy food

Hm, alright. I have 0 now, and I can’t cop food without a cart.

Can I wait to have it refresh?

good luck being sneaky fag.

TeamAfrica (LVL: 1)


Application put in, together we shall rule the dumpsters!

FF unite nukka

  1. You backhand TeamAfrica taking 70 life (0 life)

You beat TeamAfrica unconscious and find $5 on them, before you leave you tie them to the nearby tree naked and take photos. You gained 5 experience, 50 Respect.

ohh and you’ve just been fucking backhanded by the pimp slap nukka

it’s fine, I’m not stupid enough to carry my cash around.

you’ll get rocked later.

Joooooiiiinnn usss…

Or die. :slight_smile:

what gang are you in fool?


i’m not going to fight any of you, i’m only 20 life lol

Yay! Scavenger hunt for Howie!

Fuuuuuck that

Yo, how come i keep getting negative respect?

I’m beating up on people the same level as me…

Whoever jooced is, needs to get on my level or step the fuck back.

I’m guessing they’re on here - how’s it taste?

juiced ss???