Holden Coupe 60 - the new Monaro?

Here are some shots of the Holden Coupe 60 concept from the Melbourne Auto Show…


In essence, a shortened (by 60 mm) two-door version of the Commodore VE… a car that could easily be the next Monaro…

Or, in an extreme sense, could be the next G8 coupe or GTO…

I like it, but not with the Pontiac grille

different, hot, but will never reach the states…atleast looking like that.

love it


I want

i hate how gm always puts them bee hive grills on their cars they are so ugly, but aside from that it looks hott

looks awesome.

Looks great. Hopefully Pontiac wont get a hold of it and fuck it up with their player POS front end

That’s pretty sweet! I’d rock it.

On a side note, I saw somewhere online that there is a special Holden GTS-R (or something) that is also getting the LS9. I wonder if this is it? That car + LS9… mmmmmm :lickout:

looks like its based off the same design as the cts coupe, but a waaaaaaaaaaaay better back end

Similar side profile (“design” isnt even close) :slight_smile:

Its got the neon lean…

It looks like it might be on the same chassis as the new Camaro too.

I don’t like how so many new cars have such a HIGH ass end. It seems every year it gets higher and higher. Maybe it is just the angle of the pics though…?

get off my nuts jack. :walter: lol

i really wouldn’t mind seeing this come over as an option to the g8 sedan.

Wow I like that a lot. Maybe GM should smarten up and bring stuff like that to the states.

I wish they just sold HOLDEN here. Fuck Pontiac and their gay interpretation of models. All their pieces of shit look the same.

oem side exit exhaust?

I was… “like, the pics, like the pics, likes the pics, …doh”