Holy Car Blowing up Batman!


someone feel free to embed this I’m struggling right now.

And holy random multithread, well lets all comment on this one shall we?

No way that person lived…

Holy shit. It looked like the thing was made of Legos

holy shit

That describes how I feel about this perfectly :wow

Holy shit

Instant death. Embedded for you.


+rep to you when I can sir.

If the driver did indeed die as it seems, get ready for the video to be pulled soon by YouTube.

I don’t see how he could’ve lived.

Somone download it! I can’t as I’m at work…

Russian description translates that all they found was a leg.

Identified the person and he was going back home to a wife and 2 kids at the time.

[img]http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7039/6789363322_6ba69be213_b.jpg Photo 1 - 2012-02-27 by Photo Grounds, on Flickr[/IMG]

Hard to believe a vehicle could disintegrate like that.

Some serious physics involved here.

An SUV moving towards a likely loaded semi-truck heading in the opposite direction, head on.

Then consider that the semi doesn’t even appear to be slowed down by the SUV all that much, so that force has to go elsewhere.

On another note did anybody else notice the car behind the big rig getting side swiped by the box truck?

Yikes. Remind me not to buy whatever type of plastic truck that was :eek3

it was obviously a Ford Exploder…duh!

It’s a Nisss SAN!

Watching someone die always makes me feel like a dick about stubbing my toe and calling that a bad day.

If you stub your toe and call 911 then I’ll slap ya.