holy crap.. I'm a whore

Hmmmmmm, thats a little steep.

I think we should start the bidding at 1 Penny!

Do I have 1 penny? 1 penny anyone? Penny, penny, I want 1 penny, who’ll give me 1 penny?


i think i might have half a penny somewhere.


GFG XuperXero now the game is on but you seem to have been doing some work while i was actually at work lmao…

but sidewazegtst i dont think i’ll let you past me MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

with this post i will tie sidewazegtst in…



just post a word per post… u dam post whores… !!! RAWR!!!


And samson knocks Sidewaze to 5th ouch!!!

Season: WTF is that im sorry but that body kit is a disgrace to an s14 or any 240 of that matter :{

Blade is more of a post whore! He posts mostly in the new members section by saying “Welcome!!” while I go around the forums posting actual opinions and information. Therefore my posts are more meaningful :slight_smile:

oh please i have to add my 2cents because im a welcoming kinda person :smiley: plus if i post in other info threads i must actually know what im talking about, im not going to paste stuff like “thats cool” end of my post. but if it comes to that i will over take you like takumi in initial d. :stuck_out_tongue:


HAHAHAHA hes been waiting sooooo long to post that LMFAO



damn, u guys are true post whores! hahaha

Go ahead and post away. I’m not gonna even bother keeping up with my status of being 2nd :rolleyes:

hahah right!!! you even beat the mods lmao…

He’s got ya there!


David do you want an award or something you whore :stuck_out_tongue:


hahaha, your only 15 off his count man. :stuck_out_tongue:

please im not tryna gain back my spot because for the amount i post tonight david will double it by tomorrow :mad:

Not really, I stopped posting that often. haha

lol right… keep posting dude dont stop…