Post Whoars...


can we say posting whore… your sig says it all i guess…

anybody that doesn’t want to waste my time??


1…million dollhairs!

what don’t you understand???

You called me a posting whore… I have like 2000 posts. Juxtaposed against some of the other users on this site, 2000 is nothing.

if your gonna hit everyone on my threads and offer me thousands of dollars less than what i’m asking for my items than yes i’m gonna call you a posting whore even with only 2000 posts… do the math, since may of 2008 thats 5 posts a day and if there all as senceless as the one’s that you have posted in my threads then you might be a posting whore


is that the best you got???

nope… just don’t need to waste my time. But wasting yours is fun :excited

It’s idiots like you on this forum that make it look bad and encourage new members to shy away from this forum. You know you’re being a deuche so if your truly not interested in the sellers items don’t post in the thread.

*See my new user thread

thanks bro! i’m glad to see that i’m not the only one that thinks this is annoying. it’s funny that you brought up shying away from these forums because of idiots like this,i have more than a few freinds that told me not to bother with this forum because of stuff like this taking place on a regular basis but i had to come and see for myself and low and behold they were right. the first two post that i made in here and within minutes they were attacked. then he wants to start crying when i call him a posting whore… maybe the mods should start a thread and post all of his 2000 posts and let the rest of the users on here decide if he’s a posting whore or not because he doesn’t seem to think that he is. i’d be willing to bet $100 that 40% or more of his post don’t have more than five words and that at least 25% don’t even pertain to what the post is originally about.


your a jerk off!!! ban me or lock my thread whatever you want but it’s still not going to change the fact that your a jerk off… with the exception of jrubino your all apperently jerk off’s(i obviously don’t know all of you so this comment applies to who ever has posted in my two for sale threads up to this point.2pm on 6/10/09),if this is how you run your site you can fucken keep it! theres nothing serious going on in here anyway,just a bunch of little kids trying to control a forum site out of there moms basements.

My mom didn’t have a basement, even when I was living with her.

Soooo would $300 be too low or?


you call yourself a moderator…hahaha… your a fuckin’ joke…



he is a SUPER moderator, get it right douche-fag :rofl