is this possible?

Hey Vlad is it possible to make people have a certain number of posts to shit in the fs section. Just annoying to see people with 2 or 3 posts put shit fs. This isn’t fucking craigslist.

I’ve been on sites where you have to have like 100 posts before you can even put anything for sale

yea im down with this… i think people should pay to list things for sale as well im on a number of fourms where you gotta buy a supporting member ship to sell items… im not saying make this like rspeed but i think 10-20$ for the year or something to support this site would be understandable… i spend alot of time on here and ive bought and sold a bunch of stuff to and from members…

That’s a terrible idea IMO.

Vendors who advertise…cool.

Charging the average member $20 to sell something? That’s greedy as fuck. Just the thought of that would make me delete this site from tapatalk. Not that it matters to a lot of you. Jussayin’.

Yetti is into something though.

I’m down for a minimum post count, I hate seeing shit for sale by people who joined this site only to sell something

in all honesty who cares?

clearly the fucking members who posted above do… i sell alot of stuff online through fourms and ive sold alot through here aswell i dont mind giving back to the local site that brings all of us together, but its not my site so im not gonna change anything… ive brought it up before and vlad has been against it (just to put it out there that its not his idea but mine) but a post count would work too… it helps get to know some one a little bit as opposed to some random person coming on here with zero posts about anything and trying to sell something and fucking someone on the transaction

Paying to post fs is a retarded fucking idea. M.Net does it and it’s shit. 25 minimum post count is fine. Will lead to spam though. Then you have to moderate that.

what do you mean it will lead to spam how? ( not being an ass just wondering)

Because people will make garbage posts to meet the minimum, post their FS ad and bounce.

Yup. happens on NYfirearms all of the time.

ahhhh ok didnt think of it that way… thought you meant like bots or something

Great point yetti…

Fuck paying that’s stupid as FUCK… and pjb why do i care… I don’t know honestly just bugs me but why do you care so much about not accessing your user cp?

Its a trust thing pjb. You have 25k+ posts, so I know youre not going to rip me off and disappear. 25-30 post is def a good idea, I still can’t list on 8thCivic, they have a 50 post minimum.

well lets not get crazy here. just because someone posts a lot doesn’t mean they’re trustworthy. Most people on here i wouldn’t trust to watch my neighbors cat.

:rofl Would bbq.

I’d never join a pay forum.

I’ve brought up minimum posts to Vlad and other mods for classifieds, and there is a rule where we lock or soft-delete threads made by people w/ 0 posts (except for their original ad) until they make a good intro post. I wish Shift used something like iTrader on other vB forums where people get feedback from others they’ve done business with. It definitely influences who people do business with.

:lol True true.

100 post count should be fine. and yea a feedback thing would be great even a feedback thread in the classified just to help some people out.