HOLY CRAP.... R.I.P. Tiesto

god skunk.

i’m disappointed.

posting fake things.


hope you don’t sleep tonight.


who the fuck?

i just pooped when i saw this. then i realized its a fake. DJ tiesto invented Music.

+2 never heard of him.

do a search anywhere under good music and you’ll find him

lol good “music”

DJ Tiesto = good Trance

ive seen him a few times in Toronto…fuckin awsome show!

I have never seen so many guys get so gay over another dude.

Glad to hear that this is fake. Tiesto rocks!

tiesto and bt = better than tiesto alone…


I did just that. Didn’t come up with DJ Tito though…

Lots of Rick James links, but no DJ Tito.

Really? Omg he MUST suck then, just like all hip hop.