sigh....... stupid people

this just solidifies my opinion on the “rap/hiphop/junglebeats” community

:banghead: stupid people removed from bad neighborhoods and made famous and rich are still FUCKIN STUPID!!! :roflpicard:

We can’t all be named steve. :roll2:


I work with a guy named kodwo.

His parent’s must be so STUPID! They’re probably rappers or something.


shows your smarts, i make a comment about a rapper, you make a comment twards me…

your a real smartie

:picard: this thread is going no where fast

'Cos Dweezil is a great name.

I thought it was just a generic thread about stupid people, so it seemed only natural. :gotme:

Where the hell is MIA even from? Her name is Mathangi Arulpragasam. Is Ickett Arulpragasam Really that OUTRAGEOUS that you selected his name as an attempt to exemplify why “people from bad neighborhoods are stoooopiiiidddd”?


quoted for comedy…

Great post!!!:tdown:

when i worked at wegmans i worked with a kid who’s name was omaboogie. it may be spelled wrong, but it was pronounced exactly as its spelled above

he was a nice kid :gotme:

and i figured i’d quote this just for fun

I’m amazed at how frequently this happens on here.
Not just the misuse, but always in an instance when calling someone else stupid.

i know, and you know this is true

your huge ego is a replacement for your tiny penis…

besides, your fat, all marked up, and have more holes in your face then are necessary…

your fuckin sweet

so where is the thread about mike jackson and his kids names. “Blanket?” but yet coming from mike jackson thats not saying much.

Case in point.

LOL at the fat remark. If he is fat I must be obese…

FYI it’s you’re not your…


lol :grouphug: