holy motor...what is this?

thats what i can an OVERKILL. One blower with a smaller pulley can do the same job.

Reminds me of that car with the Locomotive Supercharger on it.

wow that’s sweet…not

must have been hard to get it all organized and tuned with compound boost…prob act slow is my bet

Proof that talent without direction = crap.

??? can you post a link to this

I tried finding it earlier, but can’t. I’ll see if I can find it at home later.

Damn that is so gay I can’t even look at it again.

kinda like that red shoebox chevy with 8 turbos that hot rod magazine had a feature on a few years ago

right up there with dobbertin’s J2000, absolutely useless

About 2:20 into the vid.

thats a hell of a car.
a real “rice burner” :mamoru:

yup that’s it.
fucking blower is bigger than the dude driving the car…

thank you… that man is crazy