maybe a repost... but sweet effing jesus!

i know nothing more than you do.

holy shit.

blower plus TT?

I dont even want t o know how unefficient that actually is.

But very creative!


lol the person wouldnt even be able to see where he is going

That’s awesome!!

I like when everything fits under the hood. Pretty neat otherwise.

yea i seen it before, but still a show winner

best TT blower setup ive seen

they need to hook up a bottle to it also

slow and ghey I’m sure

those crazy aussies

all show no go

Sweet RHD DD

do that to the elise. and FYI a plower+turbo setup is alot more efficient then you might thing. hes probably making boost at idle, i know of a guy that did a s/c +turbo on a focus and was making 15psi at 1200rpms, and 30psi at 2500rpms


wow thats nutz! it even has a leather interior! drag racing in style and comfort heh.

see the size of the blower pulley, that thing makes almost no boost from the supercharger, and a hot air blow threw carb setup is less than cool. All show and no go, but hey, people think it looks cool.

no cage? :eek: