Home made Flamethrower

I Thought this was pretty cool

repost x11ty billion


:rollseyes: some nerds have too much time on their hands, and he’s playing with it right in the middle of the street lol lol , its cool, but is more fun to just make a motov cocktail out of a gallon of diesal fuel and 10w30 hehe,

i made a flamethrower when i was 12… i grew up since then

only in age :hsdance:

no i just mean height… :hsugh:

1/2 inch!!! :kiss:

start building mine on my day off :eek:


if that was my son I’d be proud. :smiley:

as long as he was using it outside

yeah, true. but in all reality if my son started building something like that I’d help out and make it better.