Home Prices Rise at Fastest Pace in Over Six Years



Prices rose by 8.1% in January from a year earlier, the largest such gain in 6½ years, according to figures from the S&P/Case-Shiller index of home prices in 20 major metropolitan cities released Tuesday. All 20 cities posted annual increases.

Economists at Morgan Stanley MS +0.32% now expect prices to gain 6%-8% this year, up from an earlier forecast of 4%-6%. Lawrence Yun, chief economist at the National Association of Realtors, raised his forecast to 7% from 4% because he expects inventory shortages will persist.

For anybody in the real estate field or new buyers, does this hold true in our area as well?

Ive been looking at house im up north around the sacandaga. House prices are down right now unless they have lake front. Ill have to watch i dont wanna miss a good deal while the price is down

Right this moment homes are selling like they did in 05. Its a major sellers market right now. There isnt enough inventory for buyers. If youre looking for a home anywhere in North/South colonie expect to pay asking price or be involved in a multiple offer. Homes are selling in DAYS. Outskirt regions are still holding value as well but not selling as fast.

Market is unreal right now. My phone has not stop ringing in 3 weeks.

Is it true that the FED is holding on to a number of foreclosed properties nationally to artificially make the market scarce?

You think this will all change once interest rates increase again?

I think thats BS about the FED honestly.

Interest rates are retarded low right now. They are slowly climbing back up though.

Been considering selling mine to downsize.

Goin all conservative and shit

Depends on the area. Seems like the best deals are on two family houses for some reason.

Few weeks ago, our office had 50 pendings alone… I’ve been showing houses and picking up new clients everyday. To say people are buying and selling is a understatement.

There isn’t enough inventory out there.

This sucks as a potential homebuyer. Thats ok I’m moving to Tennesee, wait no Texas. Ugh idk…

good to hear considering i bought a house last year, hope they keep going up

why? So you pay more taxes?

What are you talking about…

He wants to be able to make money off his house if/when he sells it, I’m the same way, have been in my house for almost 3 years and I hope the value continues to go up as I keep things up to date with the house.

he didnt mention selling it.

House prices are rediculous as it is now. My parents paid $58k for our house in '85 and now its worth over triple that.

Unless he gets reassessed it won’t be a problem.

lol at comparing houses from 85 to 2013

my grandparents paid $8k in 65.

My mom paid 80k for a lakeside house in 85. Worth 350-400k now.

Yea dude, thinking long term now. Looking for sustainability and opportunity for long term growth. I’d love to get into real estate investing now since it seems to be a bit less risky than what I’m doing now. Same reason I got a job. I want my future kids to not have to worry about a thing growing up.

alwas wondered why you havent boughtten a big multiplex 15+ unit building and just collect rents

I’d prolly have someone manage it for me, cuz I hate dealing with people’s complaints.