Homework #2 (DVD Cover)

Ok so since everyone liked my last homework assignment I decided to roll with it. This week need to design a DVD Cover. Need some movie Ideas. Could be serious funny w/e. Have a few Ideas but will see what everyone else comes up with.

american pie… and have dan be the one to make love to the pie.

well i think I have to go a little more in depth with this one. (Not really, but would like to) Pretty much have to come up with a movie. I wish I could just chop brokeback mountain with dan and quik or something I think im gonna take this one a little more seriously though. Might do something scary or dramaish…

funny chad… chad as the main character in broke back mountain? I dont know what his name is Im sure chad could tell you.


you actually watched the movie?

^^ over chads house yes.

Did you guys spoon?

do an old porn movie…

whitey does dalles

or goonies slow comaro allready looks like sloth and burndee could be chunk

shalor punk as hairy potter

When I had that assignment I revamped an old cover Easyrider…pick a classic its easy because the technolgy wasnt there that we have now.

He’s not the only male on the board who watched it…


eurodad had the lead role!

ding ding ding…

He actually watched it. he saw that it won a bunch of academy awards so he thought it would be a good movie. He told me he rented it and I said “for what?”… so I told him to go ahead and watch it I wasn’t interested… so after the movie he called me at work and said how aweful and gross it was… I found it very humurous…

he just rented it because he heard there were sex scenes :idb:


so wheres the home work assignment?

this is a pretty big one, gonna make a whole movie dvd. So i still need to come up with a plot in such. That and got side tracked on new t-shirt ideas. Ill keep ya posted.

cool, ill be watching :bigthumb:

Goodfellas cover would be sweet! get pics of my myspace biatch!