Homework Assignment..

So I need to replace faces and such for my photoshop class, so I just thought it would be funny to do this…
I am gonna use this thread for faces…
And use this as base picture…
Updates as I progress though the day… :bigthumb:
*Update whiteys face on the dork with the vw (still gotta work on that one)
*Update brain as vin
*Update Burnyd as brain (Vins) bitch


I am loving burnyd what a nice set of TITS

lol, You have got to post up your finished copy.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I just spit my drink all over the place…when I saw burnyd’s pic HHAAAAAAAAHHA --that was great!

starboys homework > Pittspeed Bobble heads. IMO

Don tell any body who is who, make em guess for a while, could turn into an interesting game

I’m still crackin up about Burnyd’s pic


and still :rofl:

:idhitit: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

ok, give me like 30mins ill have all the faces and and ill post up the final

make me be Brian Spillner. :rofl:

you should make Be_Rad be Johny tran


i need a picture of darkstar and quik (face shots)

^^ Quik is on myspace.


Chad, if i were you, id make myself invisible, cause there is a few really good pics of you in that thread…

damn that’s a good job, i looked at the pic and didn’t even notice a difference. then read about burnyd, then went back and looked again and again before i relized what you did.

…so thats what burnyd’s sister looks like!