Hond Indy Toronto :tup:

Had an awesome weekend at the Honda Indy. Perfect day Sunday. Still not 100% sure why NYSpeed didn’t organize the event to participate in this. I originally heard that we would be required to tape over any badging on our cars outside of Honda, but this didn’t appear to be true.

Hot Import Nights represented hard with about 40 cars, the majority of which were suprisingly clean and well done.

Just the wife and I went together…anybody else get to see it this year?






Looks like it was pretty rad.

In for later. pics blocked at work.

I should have went up this year. I’ve still yet to make it to this.

Wonder what Josh ever got from them in terms of the badge covering. Maybe they changed their minds but Josh had already set up plans for something else by then. :gotme:

Do you have any pictures of the HIN cars with their badges on them? I’d like to email a few to my contact…

This is why we didn’t go this year: http://www.nyspeed.com/forums/showthread.php?t=69708

We were originally supposed to go until that crap.

EDIT: We’ll be in Toronto next month (August) for our Drift Mania Showcase though :tup:

That’s bullshit. Make sure your contacts supervisor hears about this as well. :tdown:

I was telling Angie about why we didn’t show this year as we were walking through the Exhibition Place, then walked up on the HIN cars. I saw a few Honda’s at first and thought it was because they were Hondas (event is sponsered by Honda, so no big deal) Then i saw a few M3’s, an Acura TL, a few Subaru’s and Audi’s…all with their badging fully exposed. Not part of HIN, but right next to them were several Porsches and an R8, with full badge exposure as well.

there was TONS of empty space in the exhibition center available by comparison from previous years…so space availability wasn’t much of an issue.


no pictures though of these cars. After years of taking pictures of “show” cars…i realize they are really repetitous and provide minimal iterest for review once on my computer. I’m sure somebody from HIN will have pics up.

Onyx…i was going to call you when i saw this, but nothing could be done at this point.

He won’t hear about anything if I can’t find any pics from inside the expo center. I’m sure there are some out there, but nothing comes up on Google at the moment.

Way to drop the ball Josh!

(Forearms Josh, not manscaping Josh)

T-Rex Josh or 300zx josh?

Hunts gazelle josh or runs like gazelle josh?

Popeye forearms Josh or shaved forearms Josh?