Honda bringing back the CRX...well CRZ

I just put my order in for one!
Hopefully its somewhere near 2500lbs, Inline4 w/ 5speed and Inline6 with 6 speed option, FWD for the I4 and RWD for the I6, 170HP in the I4 and 250 in the I6.


all the articles I see say that its a hybrid, and a concept…

not sure about the back, but a very nice lookin car


all the articles I see say that its a hybrid, and a concept…



it’s the Insight, with a new name :frowning:

But a 2L diesel would make it a fun car still…fingers crossed

i like it

I6 rwd 6 speed, im all over that

Who came up with the RWD I6 rumor. That will probably happen around the same time I decide to buy a gas powered VW.

looks like a cool little ride

i want a Honda CRY

It’s fucking emo.

the hood is too much

looks like a friggin transformer