Honda Day at ETown Sunday 8/15/10

Who’s in for one of the most badass and equally hilarious events at ETown?

  1. kramerbuccs24

there’s already a thread for this

go fuck yourself kramer aha


I will be getting work off for this… I am gonna be down and ill bring thee civic

can i ride with you ?


wtf why

Have fun getting your rides stolen! My car will be parked in the driveway, safe and sound. :slight_smile:

Hoping OP’s ride gets stolen

100% not bringing my hotrod although I’d like to. Gotta hitch a ride.

im gunna steal your shit and replace it with the cobalt

Wow, that’s worse than having nothing

I’m gonna steal his moto and leave my car there. :ponder

Just take the whole thing the cobalt will proly breakdown before I get there

What?!? Really?

Yes, it is a requirement that every car that attends gets stolen

High rate of theft at Honda Day at E-Town.

same goes for waterfest!!!

im bring the evo and tdi down kramer is driving the evo and im driving the tdi!!!