at my shop we have a 98 honda hatchback with the d16. it came in for a no start we narrowed it down to an ecu problem. the guy doesnt wanna sink money into the car so i am thinking about buying it. i have an extra ecu but heres my problem…
the ecu in the crap car has the serial code… 37820-p2e-a12 and underneath that it has 59 in big letters followed by 1200-273153
my extra ecu serial code is… 37820-p2e-L31 and underneath it has 974-205897
could i swap my extra ecu into the crap car to see if thats the problem?
If you dont feel like looking up the codes and I dont either just swap it and see if it runs. They are both p2e’s maybe one is an auto? It wont hurt the car to try.
What d16 is in the car, y7? The ecu you have is a DX,CX, LX ecu I believe. Yours is not vtak is it, the engine that is?