Been looking for an Element preferably SC edition but any of the higher up models is fine. If anyone knows any for sale or someone considering to sell there’s let me know. I also have an 02 Lexus IS300 to trade. Trying to stay under $10k
Thanks, Mark
I rarely see these things come through my dealership. When they do, the owners keep them immaculate. Good luck with your search tho!
Thanks, I just drove down to Cleveland yesterday to look at the exact one I wanted but the idiot salesman took it home even after I talked to him saying I was coming to look at it the night before. He apparently likes drinking and didn’t come into work and turned off his phone. I was furious. 2 other occasions I went to look at one and they sold right when I got there. Luckily those were only in Batavia and ON Elmwood. There seems to be a bit of a cult following with these with dog owners and weekend warriors like myself. My Lexus isn’t the best car for weekend trips.
There’s a handful of 07-08 SCs through the big dealer auctions, but lowest mileage is 140kish. EXs are more available. 09 is the least available year!! $10k seems slightly low for an 09 unless it has 120k+ miles. Not may available in general - must be low turn over which usually means owners love them!
The one in Cleveland was an 07 with 134k for $6900 which I thought was a pretty good deal especially from a used dealership + they were going to give me $3500 for my Lexus which was a plus. Don’t really care what year SC and don’t mind if it’s in the 100k mileage range. I actually like the older ones as well with the unmatched color panels vs. the all matching newer ones depending on the color minus the SC’s. I kinda dig the utilitarian look. I have noticed they are marked up pretty high from dealerships vs. private parties. They hold their value quite well but some places want $10k+ for ones with 100k+ on them which is ridiculous imo.