honda is to as nissan is to.........

haha and don’t say

i’m looking for a site with a large searchable archive of nissan goodness

freshalloy has done wonders for me.

Ya, freshalloy is pretty large.

Werd, is “The” nissan forum. Lots of smart people on there and no tolerance for idiots.


Im a long time browser, but have never asked anything because they make you feel like a jackass if you ask a question that has already been discussed.

Im a long time browser, but have never asked anything because they make you feel like a jackass if you ask a question that has already been discussed.[/quote]

So, basically any car board you go to? :stuck_out_tongue: (Except this one, this one’s freakin great. +1 Brownie Point) I never knew the meaning of “Search Nazi” until I got into cars.

Me, I’m a fan of Plenty of good info on there that’s easy to find, low frequency of idiots and not as much stuff to wade through as freshalloy.

B-Wurm :smiley:

for a good archive, I’d say Fresh Alloy number one.
secondly the NICO board, 3rdly
then below that I’d put hmm…
…biased opinion. northwest nissans. lol