Honda Remix

Concept rumored to be coming to production on Fit platform. I have a huge boner.

Blah def will change alot before production. Sorta like the new civic?

the new civic hardly changed at all from concept to production… for the european market:

america’s fat asses don’t get the trunkless civics. we get the ones that would be classified as midsize family cars ten years ago.


the wheels on that are twice as large as any other wheel honda ever put on their cars…

Random info, since i’m good like that.

I think it looks alright, keep in mind the shape above doesn’t even have working doors or a interior from what I heard. Its just a design test for the public to stare at and Honda to get a feel for things. All their concepts have wheels that belong on H2’s, thats just what they do for the show. If they start chucking these out I hope it ends up alot smaller and a little less round looking.

gay,gay and gay. they should of kept the EK chassis