Honda VF 1000R

Selling my 1985 Honda VF 1000 R so here goes. This bike was given to me by my dad, it is mint. It has brand new paint, tires, and brakes. The bike has 7,022 miles on it. I drive it around here and there to keep everything working properly but I do not need it anymore. I am looking to get $2,000 for the bike. Pm or post any offers or questions. Thanks.

old school

yea deff is but its a beautiful bike, just could never let it go but now i need to


bump for a good seller

clean bike may be a lil bit pricey just my 2 cents

yea maybe, im going to drop it too 3k and see, id like someone tomakesome offers, seeing is its gorgeous outside and its a fun bike

summers coming bike season


a cheap paint color of nighthawk black pearl


anyone?? i could really use the cash

why dont ya drive it around its gotta haul some ass for 1000cc and the 50+MPG wouldnt hurt either as well as 150$ a year insurance costs

yea it deff does haul ass, and your other two ideas are verygood but i no longer have my license to ride a bike n e more

neither does 75% of the riding community, i do, but im just saying, when i went for my “ride with pride” course, i was the only one with a permit from day one, everyone else there was 40+ years old riding for 20+ years and they got their permit a week before the course

haha exactly, well you could take this off my hands if youd like, 2700 cash its yours

lol i have a bike

kno anyone that would take this off my hands??

bummmp asking $2k
