Hook line and sinker.... Shoot him in the forehead and save us the money.


This event I hope brings back capital punishment. There are MANY witnesses, and video evidence showing Loughner did the crime. This case should take all of 5 minutes, and he should be tied to a pole infront of a firing squad. better yet, lets get that NASA robot to walk right up to him and put the barrel 2 feet from his head and pull the trigger.

Judy Clarke who also represented the unabomber is his lawyer and I read they are going to plea insanity for this piece of trash.

If the government wants to save America some money and not plant these dicks in jail for life, get some ghost snipers out and just keep picking off these people who commit murder that anybody with half a brain can see they did it… AKA this video they just got and cover it up. We already know the gov sweeps stuff under the mat every day, at least these actions would have a benefit to all of us.

maybe the congresswoman had it coming?

don’t know, don’t care. If he took out only the politician, that’s fine maybe so. But when he turned the weapon on many others, I consider it a useless rampage.

wack him and move on to the next dirtbag my tax money would have supported in their concrete cell.

Whatever happened to DC snipers? Maybe we could recruit them for such matters if they aren’t dead already.

If nothing else the guys were good at being under the radar.

truth. prison is weaksauce. needs moar death.

This dude will never get the death penalty. Just ask FAUX News… they’ve been declaring him insane since the minute this tragedy occurred.

EDIT: You know what? None of these scumbags ever get the Death Penalty; James Earl Ray, Sirhan Sirhan, Talmadge X, Mark David Chapman. I’m not for the death penalty, for fiscal and social reasons, but sometimes, there are just some people who don’t deserve to continue living with there total lack of regard for human life.

yes unfortunetly this guy is probably going to end up spending the rest of his life in a jail cell at our expense.

if he goes to jail he will prob get killed by some inmate for killing children.

the jail sytem sucked nowadays . its a stautus thing to most in there . when i was in the only ones that were of any harm were the old guys that had been in for 30 plus yrs . now everyone gangs up , goes into p.c lockup " where most faggots and snitches go " the pedo,s and kid killers are kept in safe housing and so on . he will do federal time and live more comfy than most on here . im alllll for shootin most of these fucks . in fact bring some of our military home and send some lifers over to the foreign wars . that would clear up a lot of shit

He’ll be put in a vulnerable prisoners unit more than likely

i cant believe this guy will most likely live a decent life (if there is one) in prison after what he did…insanity my ass

USA needs more undercover ninja assassins, for murderers, and hard everyday felons that fuck up life for the rest of the normal people.

Malvo is in prison serving 6 life sentences and the other one, Muhammed was executed on November 10th 2009 at 9:00pm. I know, because I was taking a piss at work when the execution began. :rofl

Personally I can imagine gun laws will change, if not everywhere maybe just in Arizona. Which sucks that everyone has to pay the price over one confused 22 year olds point of view and actions.

Keep in mind, the same laws that protect these guys are the same ones that keep you out of prison or from getting a death sentence from driving drunk. What if that were the law? Death by firing squad for first offense DUI charges, even if you didn’t kill anyone.

DWI laws are fucked up to begin with.

I believe that they should be secondary offense laws. You cross the yellow line, and are over the limit, bingo dwi. You blow a turn and hit a tree, DWI. You plow into the back of a school buss and kill 20 kids DWI. Getting a DWI at a check point, getting pulled over because its 3am and nobody else passed the cop for hours and your not causing any trouble… you don’t diverse a DWI. raise the limit to 1.0 and get rid of the AI shit. I can drink 2 beers at a high class restaurant and drive fucking circles around 90% of the people on the road with 0.00 bac still out killing people from being fucking stupid. NO REASON my life should be altered (loss of job, lots of money, etc) if my actions have ZERO impact on anyone else around me.

and don’t give me that bullshit, DWI laws keep us safe on the road… the fuck they do. Get 90 year old Erma off the road because she cant see 10 feet and drives 40mph on the thruway. Make the 16yr old new drivers take a REAL driving test. Actually enforce the “petty” laws people break DAILY: driving in the passing lane, rolling stop signs, charging yellow lights… that’s the shit I see EVERY DAY that can and DO cause major accidents. Let me ask you this, when was the last time you had to avoid a vehicle interaction on the road because the other car had a drunk driver???

I believe that the quality of life is getting worse and the population is getting DUMBER because the accountability and morality is so fucking skewed because law’s and their enforcers take the easy way out and think what will put money in our pocket first, how much effort will it actually take second, then how can I keep people safe and happy third or not even at all.

It just bugs the hell out of me. how the simple shit in life gets made soooo much more difficult for stupid reasons that the real issues that need the most attention and would have a greater impact once they are accomplished get pushed to the way side. It simply doesn’t make sense that people need to spend millions of dollars and thousands of man hours on giving someone another shot, after they 100% defiantly wanted to, planed it out and killed a bunch of people.

Life is full of simple choices. make the wrong ones, too fucking bad GTFO.

I think it’s funny that you wrote this right after you were decrying DWI laws. I agree, that it’s fucked up how convoluted our laws are also. I think DWI is the most black and white thing going. You drink, and then drive, you suffer the consequences. DWI lawyers, DUI, DWAI, All Bullshit. GTFOutta here with that shit.

If you don’t live within walking distance of a bar, either drink at home, or pay for a cab.

im 100% in favor of more of this. stop wasting our money on this idiot. just kill him. theres irrefutable evidence that he did it. stop blaming video games and wasting time and money.

I might be a little biased based on a family member having to go through with this recently.

They went out, around 3am called it a night, got a cab, got a room (2 dudes and no lady’s btw lol). woke up at 10:30. got some breakfast, hung out for a little while and drove home around 12. Got pulled over for a tinted license plate cover. Explained exactly what I did above and even showed a receipt for the hotel proving the times. Got pulled out of the car and he got somehow retained more than he thought and got a DWI. 9 hours later, after doing all the “right things”. Unfortunate that his liver let him down I guess. But how was he supposed to know? This isn’t his first time drinking, and had no idea chemically he was in the wrong. Didnt do anything wrong on the road, didnt crash, hurt anyone, wasnt out of control… nothing. But still got fucked and has to pay alot for it. Luckily our family lawyer got it reduced to a moving violation but still has to pay alot in fines.

I guess everyone cant win all the time… and nothing will ever be right. Me bitching I guess should just be racked up to, well that was a hell of an unforeseen circumstance, learn from that I guess.