Hooters Meet Sunday July 17th @ 8 PM

Might be interested…hmmmm gotta check to make sure I don’t have anything going on that weekend first though.


I may go to this …

Yeah i might be down for this as well, just gotta check the GF’s schedule.

I heard this Hooters SUCKS.

I heard that you are a buffoon.

i heard THIS post sucks too


I’ll be down if its not raining

Edit: Moved my work schedule around and I’m in

well bad news I wont even be able to make it since i didnt know i have to stay in mass till monday afternoon so I wont even make my own meet i organized :frowning: would you guys care if i reschedule this for the weekend after?

thats fine with me


that is the air force reserves for you

can a mod please change the day to july 24th for me.

titties n beer, camel toes, wings, beer, leering at hot chicks, beer, meeting new people, beer, car talk, big breasts…of chicken, huge jugs…of beer…

sounds good…i’m in

me tooo

ok I hate my life haha I wont be able to make this meet because my boss asked me to work sunday night and i really need the money because i have been low on money a lot lately so i will plan another meet again and make it work so i can really make it.

Weak as $hit. If you can’t make your own event even after rescheduling, don’t expect anyone to take you seriously when you post here. At least anyone who values his/her time. Prioritize.

…Did you seriously just call off your own scheduled meet? lol

im not gonna, but please let me know how many neg reps you get becuase of this lol.
