horror movie fans-- horrorfest who is goin?


im into horror movies. i wanna go watch all 8 of them. but at 9 bucks per movie x2 might kill that ideal… would liek to see atleast 1 or 2 of them though.

anyone else into this shit?

I love horror movies. Id be down to catch 1 or 2 of them.

I only watch them when Laurie is busy doing something else. Otherwise she runs out of hands to cover her eyes and ears.

I’m a big horror/zombie movie fan. I would be down to catch a few.

yeah i saw the trailer a while back…some of them looked interested…but like you said $8-$9 each…ouch
i’ll probably wait till DVD

im gonna see one of saturday hopefully

i would love to see all 8 also but dont wanna pay 9 bucks a movie

I’m out for that one!