House seaon 6 Premire tonight

The… 2 HOUR and 1 minute premire is tonight starting at 8

Im fucking excited…

House is tha man…

and all the little previews ive seen makes me think this is going to be an absoloutely hillarious and demented episode

I’ve been waiting for this for months. I’m pretty excited.

go on youtube and search for clips

theres a ton of 30-40 seconds ones that are prertty funny

theres also one that a 2 min preview of a scene that is absoloutely hillarious

I don’t want to ruin it. I’ll stay in suspense until I watch the episode tonight.

I am totally stoked for this.

Watching House is my only plan for tonight.

I wasn’t that excited for this until I just remembered how pissed off last season’s finale episode made me. Yeah, I’ll be watching this.

Nip tuck is also comming back on oct 14th

Im very excited about that…

And yes Nicole im with you… I hate when they end a season with a WTF… then make you wait 6 months to find out…

Fringe did the same thing to me… and the first episode in season 2 did no thelp

First you said you can’t watch, now you are, make up your mind w00man!

Because I need closure! Is he nuts or not!?

Nicole is that a serious question?

Hes out of his mind…

but yes he went nuts in the last episode… it was an overdose of drugs that made him loose his mind

Now we get to see wtf he went thru and what exactly was going on

No? I thought the last thing I remember was him being dropped off at the loony bin. So… I want to see what happens from there. Does he stay crazy, does he get better, what the hell!?

i’ll be watching unless i find something else to do…so upset theres only two episodes of entorage left.

i will definitely be watching.

ill be watching how i met your mother
