How do you dispose of....


Reuse it. just hold it at the tip and shake the fuck out of it.


But srsly.



having roommates is the worst.



Between this and the 4chan blurb, I’m in tears.

dont use them. girlfriend is on the pill. :slight_smile:

Go into his room, dump the fuck juice on the girls face and when she wakes up screaming say “wasnt it my turn?” :zong:

why is there no option for who the fuck uses a rubber?

F’n mods. Lemme guess. Nikuk counts for 100 votes. lol


+1 fucking sailors

birth control > *

and let me tell you something nyspeed… there are much worse n00bies than pure xtc. i think his custom title should be taken away, and given to someone else.

fucking LOL

Ive kinda grown to like it. But if has to be takin away please give it to Karter lol


is your username read as ‘pure ecstacy’?

lmfao that was good man

lmao @ the poll vote counts!

OMFG that 4chan thing was amazing…I seriously lold.

Yeah condoms suck. I don’t use em. If she gets preggo I’ll just give her the old cunt punt and be done with it.

“She was waiting for an explanation, but i don’t think she can handle it”


No need for a condom when you’re doing anal!

OMG that was hilarious :lol: