Rubbers are non-biodegradable, please re-use them instead of filling our landfills! TY!
word, just turn it inside out… lazy fucks
friend of mine was waaaasted. so his buddies go “I know. let’s get him a hooker!”
so they take him down to niagara street, get him some hooker. she gives him a blowjob, and puts the condom on with her teeth!
when hes done, he just stumbles into the car (he was so drunk he didnt remember any of this) and just says;
“That wasn’t very romantic.”
i was fucking this bitch at a park, another car pulled in, we finished quick and started to drive away, i took off teh rubber and tossed it out the window… she drops me off as she drives away i see it stuck to the side of the car :eek:
i was so paranoid her mom was gonna see it, i called her house until she got home, thank god her parents werent home…
HHHAHAHAHA!!! :hitit:
lol rubbers. eck.
what about those who drink and drive? where are they suppossed to put their empty’s?
i think we should think about that too.
Youre supposed to throw them at bums
This man is a god.
ur a girl u should be picking them up after them
hahaha… you can tell the weather is getting nice
LMAO :lol:
that’s what ive been doing eversince my father said… “now make sure your turn it inside out and shake the fuck out of it”
…by father i mean priest.