how fucked is this "t-money content "

Must be nice to go out and buy another $120k car because youre sick of the color.

Ill never have to worry about doing that.

Yeah, you dont get sick of the colors you choose!

I think from now on any vehicle I buy is going to be white. The truck and quad are already white and its a possibility for the car if it gets redone again.

white ftw

I just love how a white vehicle looks when its all cleaned up.

fucking ridiculous. Getting a fucking house or an education

whenever Im having an off day, I can always count on your posts to cheer me up

you can live in a car, but you can’t drive a house. and edumacations is for ratardz.

Hopefully some day I’ll make enough money to be able to do this. But even in that, I don’t think I would ever do this.
With what he spends on these cars, he could have started investing towards retirement by now. Unless he has enough money to do that too, who really knows.

this kid sounds like a blowout guido tool but you guys are on his nuts whether you hate or love him LOL

who cares ? (well thats a fucked up question because most of you do)

let the dude do his shit, he is definitely doing some shit wrong hahaah but whatever, lets sit back and laugh

getting all tight over this is kinda silly, for the record tho, black was alot better :stuck_out_tongue:

get an rv and have the best of both worlds.
And who needs an education when you have a money tree growing somewhere?

na maqn,l why would we do that when we can live with our parents?


thats the cool thing to do.

I saw the lambo tailing a black, stock wheeled vette getting on the northway @ exit 12. It was raining and hazy out so I couldn’t really tell if it was a ZR1.

Thanks for the update… now I can accidently colide into the correct ZR1 when it attempts to 190 bomb by me and sue him for everything.

wasnt the black one modded?


really. so the intercooler isnt any good

well yes, I assume it functions fine, but since his dyno numbers wernt what he expected, it was the first logical excuse. :rofl



knew the brown guy Singh would prefer black… I say good for Tony and the economy…