How is everyone's 401k doing?

I thought the 52 week high was near 750 and it was under 600 right now…but what do I know…ask the experts…

Don’t quote junk statistics out of your ass.

I wanted to buy into Google when it first went public about 3 years ago… It definitely has increased since then but has leveled off for the most part.

As mentioned before, the big players are going to be greenie companies since everyone’s riding the alternate fuels wave.

GOOG has had a HELL of a run. I feel the only way to play GOOG at this point is using OPTIONS!!! Limit downside risk. Sell contracts before expiration when you hit nice pops and rake in some cash money.


Look at the out of the money calls. They are insanely valued. Puts too. But the long in the money calls are almost properly valued.

You lost me here. I’m still very much the novice when it comes to 401(k)/Investing but I’m picking it up pretty quick.

hardly, i’m staring at the 2 year graph right now…it’s about leveled off but it’s been on the rise for the last two and as of right now it went up 5.09 and is at 579.58.

I seriously doubt your 401k has this feature available. But if you had a “Self-Directed” account then you would be able to play this game.