How is everyone's 401k doing?

you are a fucking retard. No one listen to this idiot.

If you want to invest in anything, invest in Natural Gas. There has just been a recent discovery of a huge natural gas formation in PA. The company I work for, which is the 3rd largest producer in the state is gearing up to make a serious run at this. It’s going to be a huge boom for the state.

Superior wells is a company that does natural gas well service work. They’re expanding exponentially and will continue to do so.

Not an idiot, just know a little more than you. Like I said in another thread I have a degree in Finance and my wife has been in the business for 8 years now…the young people should not be selling now they should be buying.

Ok, so explain to me this. You want people to dump cash into a market in an effort to “buy low, sell high”. But, the market has shown a proclivity to fall through the fucking floor in the foreseeable future. So, right now its high and going low, how does it make sense for the individual investor to throw money into the market right now?

It doesn’t. I understand your thought on a larger scale that if a lot of money is artificially introduced into the market it will prop up stock prices, and you can only prop up a sagging stock market so long by doing that.

So, in short, no, throwing money into this market as an individual investor right now is not smart. No, this is not a classic “buy low, sell high” situation.

And seriously, not to shit on you, but just because you have a finance degree doesn’t mean you understand the markets. I know plenty of people with finance degrees that are doing checkout at Giant Eagle.

Maybe not right now is THE best time, but in the future it is. I do not think just b/c I have a degree I know everything. I did learn a lot about the history of the market and when to invest and when to sell. I do not currently work in that field of finance, but my wife does. She has for 8 years and understands the market better than me and a lot of other people. We were out yesterday with one of her bosses who is very successful and were talking about the current situation. To sum it up yeas the market is going to get worse, but in the near future it will be a good time to buy.

I am not saying to blindly throw money into the market, you have to know where to invest and when…that is why it is best to let the people who know what they are doing help you make that decision.

I can agree more with some of the things you are saying here. The market is never a science. It is obviously a game where you have to hope that you are getting in on the ground floor, but right now is definitely not the time to be getting in.

Near future will be a good time to buy, but in terms of long term retirement investments, “near future” can be a year or two away.

And really, unless someone is rocking a series 7, there is really no way for you to even be remotely accurate in guessing where this market is going to go. I’ve been getting ready for my 6 and 63 (because work is slow and I need something to do, haha) and they shouldn’t be bad, but fuck that 7. It would take a year of studying to take it. I’ll just go back to school thank you very much.

I see your point and agree…right now may not be the best time…but there are a ton of people who sell sell sell now then when the market comes back they buy…in the end they either break even or lose more money than they would have by just staying in. Like you said unless you are qualified or have been in the business for years you really don’t know whats going on…and my wife and her boss are have all their licenses and are experienced.

Not messing with mine. As the market declines, you can accumulate more and more shares each month. I think that is a good thing at this point. Not concerned about overall account value.

Here is something I just read in today’s paper…kinda relates to the point I was trying to make.

and another I just found

I agree not to sell now, but if it bounces back up to 12,500 or so…I’d consider it.

That was sound advice in that column, but the fact of the matter is this: if your financial situation sucked when the economy began to fall, it’s going to suck for a while. Market trends don’t turn around in days or weeks, nor do personal financial habits and the associated savings/credit accounts.

People saving and not spending will hurt the economy as well, but that’s what’s going to happen.

exactly…it is going to take more than weeks and months…but if you are young then it shouldnt really matter…you are in it for the long haul. That is why I find it funny when young people hit the panic button and want to sell everything. Fact is yes it is a good time to see where your moneey is and maybe invest it a little more wisely…but not the time to sell everything because the market isnt doing well.

Some people mis-interpret your advice as “If you’re young, there’s never a reason to sell, long haul FTW!”

The average person probably shouldn’t actively trade their retirement, but not everyone is average.

guys like Morgan Stanley, Citigroup and Merril Lynch that all together lost about 100 Billion in the subprime market?


no one is an expert in this field. It’s all so unpredictable. Maybe Warren Buffet. lol.

But the point is, WHY, in the name of christ, would you want to buy a stock that you know is instantly going to drop like a rock?

market hasnt reached rock bottom yet, once the dow goes to 10,5 i will buy buy

Yes right now is not the exact time to buy…ideally you would want to let the market to reach rock bottom before you start buying. But even if you would buy now you would still be better off than buying when the market was “booming”. Mainly my point is if you are diversified and you portfolio is set up good…you should not start selling everything. Keep it as is and start to buy when you see the market starting to level out. This may be one month from now…but lets hope it is not 5 months from now, b/c then we will officially be in an recession.

Just know that cost averaging and time are your true allies in this craft.

Cost averaging and a diverse portfolio are good tools, but I don’t like to get too caught up in that, it’s like having a Honda Accord investment portfolio.

The market really surged this afternoon, we’ll see if it holds.

no one in the world can time the market, maybe warren buffet. but not us, our best bets being young are to stay in and buy anytime the prices of shares go down for an extended period of time, if your not investment savvy, stick to mutual funds and exchange traded funds with low expenses and fees, if you want to invest in individual stocks, pick big established companies(GE, Coca Cola, Nestle) and start out with a 5-10% of your portfolio, as you learn more, you can invest more into individual stock, stay in for long term and every time the market goes down BUY MORE, you will have a fortune at retirement

good post!!!

Actually, although your company is essentially making double it’s profit on sales to major suppliers, people eventually won’t be able to afford natural gas, which is a main contributor to Bush’s little incentive package. If you want to invest in any energy stock in the near future it should be renewable resource oriented. Impending election candidates all have “Green Economy” plans for the next presidential terms. Don’t you guy’s watch Cramer? gosh!

has anyone seen googles stock??? been going up for the last two years…