- There are 12 people in the U.S. named Dan Hagen.
one Kaitlyn Niland. there is a Katelyn Niland though.
there is zero in the US. And noone with my last name…funny as i can list off 10 of my relatives with my last name…
I wonder how they figure this out. This brings up a huge question on their part.
There are 2 people in the US with the name Harry Balls. Seriously, 63 Sean Kramers in this country. I have yet to meet any of them.
There are 4 people in the U.S.
18 people with my name. And the funny thing… 2 years ago i called my credit card company and the guy I talked to had my first and last name…VERY weird.
Odds of 1/16,429,674 of ever randomly calling somebody with my same name.
There are 2,709 people in the U.S. named Steven Clark.
I think that is quite low. My name is common like woah.
HAHA, it tries to say there are only 852 people with the name Steve Clark.
It is a sweet number generator though.
459 people with the name Charles Hess
6909 ppl in united states named matthew williams and another 398 as matt
3rd most common name in the world!!
Just one of ME!!
But, apparently There are 8 people in the U.S. named Chuck Norris. ROFL!
336…apparently Donald is the 20th most common name. Funny I only know about 4 Dons in all of my travels.
0 people with my last name, tooons with first =)
Robert Smith = There are 47,544 people in the U.S. named Robert Smith.
not my name but Robert was the 3rd place name… couldn’t figure out the number one name
James is the most popular first name, I could have sworn it was an asian name such as Lee but I guess not