How many of you own/have owned a car that is/was older than you?

Personally, i havent… but i’d really like a late 70s 280z or a 510…

I think there are probably much more older domestics on here than imports…

i want an early 70’s 240z or 510

77 Crown Vic ltd

1 year older than me

The oldest car I have ever owned was an '86. I was 5 when the car was purchased by my grandparents.

I have driven my grandparents '41? Willy a few times.

Oldest vehicle I’ve had was an 86. So two years short there.

nope, beater is a 96

I voted yes, assuming that motorcycles count. My first bike was a 1981 Honda. I am a 1982 model year human.

1968 Camaro :pimp:

oh shit, i forgot about my bike. 1974 honda CB550

'71 240z

One of my race car motors is as old as me.

i had a GTi that was as old/older than me. it was an 83, same year i was born. but i’m pretty sure they shipped in late 82, early 83. so i guess it was older.

my g-pa has a MINT 5,000 mile 72~73 buick. someday i hope to own that one… its a beauty.

the oldest car i have is a 1982, however my bike is a 1973 and i am a 1976

1985 oldest car owned

a tad bit younger than I.

Oldest car I owned was a 1987 Ford Escort…5 yrs younger than me

1979 Yamaha MX100 when I was 10? – only thing that fits the bill.

same age as me :smiley:

1981 Cutlass Wagon

I was born in '84

that’s a shame.