How many pairs of pants do you own?


what have you

cus i just found out how many the fiancee has… nothing like having 5-10k in pants in the house



at least 10.

This is a pretty odd poll. lol.

edited poll for :gay: skunk

i have about 10; 4 paris of jeans, 4 pairs of work pants and 2 pairs of cargo pants

I have 20-30… mostly dress pants. like 4 pairs of jeans

like 2-4 “clean” pants, and like 10 pairs of work jeans/uniform work pants.

I have about 30 pairs of jeans…

106 :picard:

atleast 10

The answer should be inversly proportional to:

How many sweaters does your Pug have?

either about 15 or about 30, depending on if shorts count

lol fuck you…you have the same amount as me :loopie:

you would.

Almost 30 but only wear about 12 of them.

probably 20. only wear 3 though, and to be honest i mostly just wear one pair for periods of time

Is that cost associated to the extra required fabric per pant?



Seriously…probably 20.

2…i threw all of mine out

the pug wont wear clothes… believe me, i tried :wink: