How many people do you live with?

ugh. I am probably living with my dad and his fiance when I move back to Rochester for RIT next year. Idk if I can go back living with parents again, its been 5 years. Hopefully Ill be gone half the year on co-ops and at a females house for the rest of the time…

I’m never moving out again. I love my mama.

My wife and I split our 2750 home, the 2.5 car garage is all mine though.

No pets… :frowning: We should get a dog or a room mate or something.


Get a dog, roommates suck!

I say you make the trade, add to the fish tank!

get a hot roommate that enjoys le manage a trois…

ctm and i now. i lived with 2-3 other people for like 3 years though

me and my wife, 1200 sq house (not included partly finished basement) is plenty, and the 2.5car is mine.

Just me (and 2 cats), whole house to myself out in the middle of nowhere. I thought I’d die of boredom, but I actually really enjoy it.


i live with my parents still (2 brothers, stepdad and mother)
and my grandma lives below us (appt house)

However, my uncle and aunt and cousin decided to move out of their 3 million dollar house in florida and come up here and live with us. He makes over 130k a year, and mooches off his mother in law (my grandma) (they pay no rent, no bills, they use our wireless internet, they just pay for food). I Think they are in “recession” mode wearing fucking tinfoil hats

i cant park my car in the fucking garage, he constantly takes my tools and doesnt put them back, he knocked over my sideskirts, the shelf with all of my tools, knocked over my exhaust, almost knocked over a fridge because he decided to move a ladder at like 7am. He constantly decides to “work” on the house at like 7am while everyone is sleeping on the weekends. He’s one of those people who think they are a handyman, but have absolutely no idea what they fuck they are doing.

example: He decided that our sump pump draining system for the past 20years was no long efficient, so he decided to run pvc from the sump pump drain thru the basement wall, and drain it to the outside. You’re supposed to put holes in the pvc at the end so it can drain out into the ground, however hes an idiot and put the whole ENTIRE thing pvc with holes, so it drained right when it came out the house :picard: . then he tried telling my grandma that her drain tiles were fucked… because you know, he’s a plumber. (it would have cost her over 10k to fix, because he “diagonosed” the problem.

sorry for my rant, it just fucking pisses me off so much

Edit: We live in cheektowag, so youre not allowed to park in the street at night. Well we have 7 fucking cars in our drveway, and they have no lives and sit home all day, so they constantly try to make us pull in our cars at like 6pm for the night, during the week and on weekends.
Their goal is to make us move out, so they can live where we live now upstairs. It’s completely fucking rediculous.

wife, daughter, myself, dog, cat

i currently live with my roommate, last semester i lived with my gf and roommate but she is at a full time internship now
we get along for the most part, but since ive quit partying we def have tension about partying and cleaning up teh house from parties

when i was 19 i moved into a 2 bedroom apt with 4 friends and although it was cramped it was one of the best summers ive ever had lol

Still at home with the parents and the triplet siblings.

deebo if i were you i would move out ASAP or just make myself scarce

SISTERS?! :carnut

I went with 5+ because that was my living situation for the past 4 years. I’m now going to be living with 2 people.

Me, my wife, my son, my daughter and our two cats.

wife, two cats and a dog.

How the fuck does two people live in 440sq/ft? That is tight like woah