How many people do you live with?

It’s just me in my house.

How many other people do you guys live with?

shit, I messed up. I put 3 when its myself and two others. lol

most of the time it feels like I live by myself. I see my roommates about once a week.

Myself and two roommates

2,000 sq ft house; 4 bedrooms, 3 bath, 2 car garage (plus parking for another 3)

Nice spilting the rent/utilities 3 ways

Myself, My Wife, My 13 Month old Daughter :tup:

Me and 2 roommate/tenants. Unless any work is required, then it’s just me.

2 roommates and a jungle cat.

Living with the GF

i’m 17. i live with my parents.

Me, wife, dog, dog, cat.

I live with my grandfather because he would have to go to a nursing home without a capable adult in the house, and all the other grand children are dumb asses. It’s alright I don’t pay rent but other than my bedroom there isn’t much privacy. My grandfather has done enough for me throughout my life that its worth putting up with his old man crap and non stop talk radio.

Myself, my wife and my 2.5 year old daughter.

My chica lives with me, because I dont like to clean.

fuck, i thought that was the way it would go too.
but she’s more fucking messy than me, and leaves shit everywhere.
usually, on my computer desk.
and just kinda piles it all up, then pushes my shit out of the way when there’s no more space to pile it up, and puts her shit there.
I just let it pile up because I’m fucking amazed at how fucking lazy she is when the sink is no less than 5-6 feet away from the desk. (440sq/ft apt)

Sounds like she needs an appointment with Dr. Backhand.

Just me! And all the animals I’ve got… I swear I live in a zoo sometimes.

I read this thread as Geoff is lonely and crying for help. Don’t feel bad little guy Colonel Mustard will come drink your beer with you! Dick… :2fingers:

I live with my mother and two younger brothers, no use wasting money on rent when I only have 1 year left in Buffalo. I have all the privacy in the world and no one bothers me, all they ask for is I fix broken things around the house and clean when needed. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

myself, my wife and 2 dogs.

Myself, and I hooked a friend up with cheap rent since living by myself was getting slightly boring. Of course a few months later he gets a girlfriend who is pretty much there all the time with him. She cooks for me every so often, shovels the driveway, cleans everything…so all is well.

wife, kid, kid, dog, rabbit, fish, fish, frog, frog.