How much is a trillion dollars

1 trillion pennies would buy 22,222,222 300zx motors from 2TurboZ.

I wonder how many Fortune 500 companies 1 Trillion $ would buy me.

Somebody figure out the interest to have it sit in a Savings acct. I don’t know the current rates.


Quick check on says about 2% right now.
So 20 billion a year in interest.

$19,290 a second in interest at 2%…

$148 per human on Earth. In some countries you would be rich with only $148.

I had to map a trillion dollars from our old general ledger to our new peoplesoft one this summer. They pay me less than 100k to do this. :uhh:

you should have accidentally $1,000,000 for CDCB.

1 trillion pennies is 10 billion dollars.

If one ear full of my sperm carried wallets…split evenly each sperm would have $50,000.

edit: WAT?

a round trip to the Sun and back is LESS than a trillion feet!!! HOLY SH*T! Did I figure that right?!?

no, you figured it in meters. you missed the sun by a factor of 3.

oh wait, never mind, that was NASA that did that. :bloated:

:lol: You’ve had some good ones the last couple days.

The US produces 1 trillion dollars worth of goods and services every 26 days. Iran produces 1 trillion dollars worth of goods and services every 3.5 years. Suck it Ahmadinejad.

If you used that Trillion bucks to buy standard 25 cent bouncy balls, which are 1.5"s in diameter, you could stack them from earth to the moon 5.946852929 times…

Let see if we can make it a full 6 guys!

My boss is in Vancouver on business all week. I’ve been spending the time I would normally spend being productive thinking of witty remarks to post on the internet.

did you take into account the balls changing volume due to vacuum pressures and temperature differences? just saying.

^ knows his balls

I used standard earth sized balls when calculating.

Not sure on sizing of blue balls in space, need final confirmation on size.

did you take into account the skill needed to stack bouncy balls?

must set aside $$ for ball stacking skills training.