How much is a trillion dollars

Please don’t turn this political bashing Bush or Obama. I started this thread because of a great conversation we were having at work the other day trying to get our minds around the number “trillion”. It’s easy to say and not even that hard to write out, but being people who making in the 15-200k/year range it’s a number I doubt many of us really comprehend.

First off, here’s what it looks like:

It looks pretty impressive with all those zeros and commas, but it’s still just a number.

How far back in time is a trillion seconds?
Over 31,000 years.

$1 trillion would be enough money to buy about a 1,000 boxes of Girl Scout cookies for every person in the United States.

A trillion barrels of oil would — at current consumption levels — fuel the world for about 33 years.

Let’s say it’s the year 1, the beginning of the first millennium. You have a trillion dollars to spend–at the rate of one million dollars a day. At just before three years, you’ve reached a billion dollars. So you keep spending. Now you are in the year 2,000. Would you believe you’d still have 737 years to go before you exhaust your trillion dollar pile.

If your job paid you $1000 per second and paid you 24/7/365 it would take you 31 years to earn a trillion dollars.

A trillion dollar stack of thousand dollar bills would be 67.9 miles high.

Add others you find if you want. There were some other really crazy ones I can’t think of that people at work brought up.

holy fuck

wow, very interesting! :tup:

I had this exact conversation the other day. It’s just too easy to say “trillion” and walk away from it… it’s a staggering number.

We were talking about it the other day too.

Our idea was its like giving everyone in the world $150.

very interesting way of looking at it
i wonder what president would be put on such a greenback if ever made

so instead of getting 1000 boxes of girl scout cookies at $3 per box, can i just take the $3000???

There are 305,899,203 people in the U.S.A. 43,665,230 of which are under 18 years of age. This leaves 262,233,973 adults.

You could give every adult in America $3,813.
If you gave everyone money it would be $3,269 per person, including the baby born every 7 seconds.

It’s less than 1 month’s pay for the US as a whole. :jawdrop:

can i just have a few hundo

Back when I was 16 working at Tim Hortons, that money would pay me for 16 weeks. I was only making $228 a week, after taxes, for 40 hours of work.

Instead of paying large sums to corporations, why not give everyone $4,000? THAT would surely boost the economy as people paid the credit card companies back, paid their mortgages and bought things!


Never really thought about it like that. Thats a LOT of green.

There is a baby born every 7 seconds in America. If you gave every single baby born in an entire year equal amounts of that trillion dollars…

There are 4,505,142 babies born every year.
Each baby would get $221,968.

because there would still be the debt

1 trillion pennies laid side to side and end to end would cover 204.82 square miles.


McDonald’s has served over 100 billion. If you laid 100 billion hamburgers side by side they would circle the Earth 52 times and then you will still have enough left over so you can stack the rest to the moon and back.

you worked 40 hours at 16?

If you spent a trillion in 24 hours it would take one day!


Sadly, there are only 200 billion pennies in circulation so you cannot stack 1 trillion pennies, let alone $1 trillion worth! Time to start stamping out quintiple the amount in the WORLD to have a trillion pennies and 50 times the current amount for a trillion dollars worth.

This is a cube 100 billion pennies large (127 ft. high, wide and deep.)A cube with 1 trillion pennies would be 10 of these side-by-side. One Trillion Dollars worth of pennies = 1,000 of the cubes shown below. Essentially a cube 101010.